Lily the Cat, Maxi the Mouse, Sammy the Dog

Wir sind ein junges Start-up aus Zürich, selbst Eltern und mit Leidenschaft und Begeisterung dabei!

Wir kooperieren mit Expert*Innen der Pädagogik, des E-Learning und der audiovisuellen Gestaltung.

Wir sind überzeugt, dass digitales Lernen in Zukunft zunehmend Teil der Erziehung sein und die Ausbildung unserer Kinder unterstützen wird. Deswegen sind wir der Überzeugung, dass ein sensibler Einstieg in die digitale Welt immens wichtig ist.

Unsere Liebe zur Musik und Kunst hat grossen Einfluss auf die Gestaltung der App und ist in Ergänzung zu dem medienpädagogischen Konzept massgeblich einer unserer Erfolgsfaktoren.

Unser*e Gründer*In

Dr. Olga Ruf Fiedler

Co-Founder, CEO

Olga ist eine erfolgreiche Geschäftsfrau mit hervorragender Bilanz in Gründung und Aufbau von Unternehmen.

Olga Ruf-Fiedler
Sebastian Hähnel, CTO

Sebastian Hähnel

Co-Founder, CTO

Sebastian beeindruckt mit seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung, die er in den IBM Silicon Valley Labs und in der Schweizer Finanzindustrie gesammelt hat. Seine Expertisen sind Software-Engineering, Software-Architektur sowie die Weitergabe des Wissens an die nächste Generation.

Our Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Jan L. Plass

Paulette Goddard Chair in Digital Media and Learning Sciences and Professor at New York University

Dr. Plass envisions, designs, and studies the future of learning, incorporating cognitive, social, and emotional design factors of digital media. An international leader in research on simulations and games for learning with 25 years of experience in ed tech.

Prof. Dr. Jan L. Plass
Sebastian Hähnel, CTO

Prof. Dr. Manu Kapur

Professor for Learning Sciences and Higher Education at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and director of The Future Learning Initiative (FLI) at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Manu has been awarded visiting professorships at top universities in Europe, Australia and Japan, and invited to major international government and advisory boardsManu has been awarded visiting professorships at top universities in Europe, Australia and Japan, and invited to major international government and advisory boards.

Prof. Dr. Pierre Dillenbourg

Professor at the Computer-Human Interaction Lab
for Learning & Instructions at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.

With EPFL colleagues, he launched in 2017 the Swiss EdTech Collider, an incubator with 80 start-ups in learning technologies. He (co-)-founded 5 start-ups, does consulting missions in the corporate world and joined the board of several companies or institutions. In 2018, he co-founded LEARN, the EPFL Center of Learning Sciences that brings together the local initiatives in educational innovation. He is a fellow of the International Society for Learning Sciences. He currently is the Associate Vice-President for Education at EPFL.

Prof. Dr. Pierre Dillenbourg
Sebastian Hähnel, CTO

Dominic Williams

Chief Scientist & Founder of DFINITY

Over the past 20 years, Dominic has had a distinguished career as a crypto theoretician and serial entrepreneur focused on the Internet and distributed systems. Recently, his scientific discoveries across Threshold Relay and PSC chains, Validation Towers and Trees, USCIDs, and The 3 E's of Sybil Resistance have pioneered new approaches to cryptography and blockchain technology.

Anja Neupert

Senior leader at LinkedIn, USA

Experienced Digital Marketing & Product Leader with demonstrated history of driving innovation, scalable growth, and tangible results at the intersection of business & technology.Passionate team builder and talent developer.Strong international experience in Digital Technology and Product Management, Web and Digital Marketing, Operations and Planning in both large international enterprises and start-ups.

Anja Neupert
Sebastian Hähnel, CTO

Corinne Hoss-Blatter

Member of the House of Representatives of the Canton of Zurich

Corinne Hoss-Blatter, historian and German teacher, is a seasoned practitioner having worked in the educational sector for over 30 years and in educational politics for more than 15 years.

Corinne is also Member of the Council of Zollikon (Education Department), President of the School of the Zollikon municipality (1’300 students) and Chairwoman of the Board of the Kantonale Maturitätsschule for Adults.